
Our little inquirers are debating on the topic whether plants are living or non living.

The inquiry study leads students to build knowledge that leads to deep understanding. ....The students in their groups drew or wrote what all things they feel are living or non living and then they presented it in front of the class and gave reason why they think that particular thing is living. One group considered plants non living things and they gave their reasons for that. They could then understand why the plants are living and not non living.


Provocation for Unit 5- We are out of the four walls of the class and exploring the things around us and trying to categorise them as living or non living.


Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body....Today we had Read Aloud activity in class. Reading aloud helps children enjoy reading and develop a love of reading. This helps the students become confident readers and also teaches children how to sit quietly and listen while others are reading.


Life without air - The students were divided into groups and they described what type of life they think there would be if there's no air.


Learning division - The students are learning how to divide by trying to put the given number of pens in groups.
